
The Old Christians team photo.

"'Numa,' I said to him,'you have to eat. We need you with us when we hike out of here. You must stay strong.' Numa grimaced and shook his head. ' I could barely swallow the meat before,' he said. 'I could never stand it like this.' 'Think of your family,' I told him. 'If you want to see them again, you must eat.'" (139)

In this book Nando Parrado and his teammates depend on each other to survive, and there is only a slight difference between my teammates and I on the field because in both scenarios we both depend on each other. Our dependence on each other is what keeps us so tight through thick and thin. Whether we are stranded in the 2nd largest mountain range in the world or we are losing by 10 goals, we still stay close. For example when they were all stranded and starting to eat human flesh the willing had to help out the non-willing get over the fact that they were going to have to eat human flesh or you walk 70 miles in the Andes and your first thought is help the people that are still up in the Andes. Maybe your situation isn't so drastic and you take an extra shot to the body for your teams’ sake. On any given team anything can happen and the important thing is that you remain strong together, whether it is just another game or a life or death situation.

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